2002-11-26 & 9:28 p.m. : sometimes you forget how god damned good it feels

ok, so i know i haven't really said anything about this before, but it's still true and i really kind of hang my head in shame that i have been quiet on the subject as it really is so telling about one's character whether or not they speak out on such things and it's not due to pussyism but really a kind of laziness of character rather than any kind of lack of character, which i totally own up to because how many times have i told you motherfuckers that i am one lazy motherfucker, but seriously doods:

the motherfucking clash!

i wish i had the forethought to bring my wallsized london calling poster that is still up in my childhood room with me on my many travels over the last four years. maybe if i pay my moms she can send it to me.

i mean, jason really, how bad ass would it be to have that motherfucker up in our house. like in the front antrum, or maybe in the living room, just so people know when they come in that, well, the motherfucking clash!