2001-10-15 & 1:52 p.m. : NO NO! a space rocket

i have wrapped my nice wooly scarf up around my head erykah badu style. i have to entertain myself somehow in this cube, because i am going mad cow cuhrazy.

i got less than 4 hours sleep. this time, the many naps i took throughout sunday did not help.

the funny thing about this weekend is how badly my body got beat up. first, there was this. then there was the little matter of tripping/and or otherwise acting like a jackass not once, BUT TWICE on saturday while we were out in the city. THE FIRST TIME WAS BEFORE I WAS DRUNK, OK!? oh man, my ankle hates me right now. i rolled it on the uneven sidewalk of the haight. ow.

and then, when i was going to my seat at the restaurant, i tripped and my bag hit the table and knocked over a candle which got hot wax all over me, and my brother, and the random girl next to him.

woops. it wasn't really my fault, though. it was the dumb bitch i was trying to get past.

and, the gin. well. the bombay and tonic, shot of jagermeister, shot of 1800 with a beer back. and the dumb bitch.

she actually turned out to be a cool bitch, though, because she shared her hooka pipe filled with apple flavored tobacco. mmmm, apple tobacco, red wine, hummus, tabouleh, falafel, veggie shish kabob, rice pilaf,cucumber salad and some lentil thing. fuck that was good. i want to go again tonight. nik, let's go again tonight!

well, maybe not tonight. i think i want to sleep for a million trillion bagillion years tonight. i think it would be interesting to do that, though chances are i would die in my sleep some time in the next eighty years, and will not make it to the million trillion bagillion mark.

ah, once again i wish i was a robot. made of titanium. or something stronger. with x-ray/murderous laser beam eyes. annnnd...roller skates. NO! a jet pack. NO NO! a space rocket.