2002-11-12 & 5:31 p.m. : sure to pick me up

so my team lead is in the onsite gym working off stress and my supervisors are huddling together and gossiping, or, i mean, "discussing a lease issue" and i have been on "available" for 12 minutes and no calls have come through.

earlier today the hot, small, amazingly good smelling, unfortunately coiffed but otherwise devastatingly handsome mexican computer tech fixed my computer and i gave him the business the whole time. to the naked eye it may have looked like flirting, but i didn't readjust my tits, so i don't think it counts.

he flusters easily, i didn't want to make his head shoot off his shoulders and blow into outerspace by doing the subtle lean forward/adjust shimmy. that's just not nice! he's at work! he needs his head!

otherwise today all i did was wrap my scarf around my face so i could pretend i was jessee james, listened to georgette talk about how the man who broke her heart last week is now at her feet begging and reading jason's diary since


on my desk is a picture of my brother which niki sent to me. it's curved from the poster tubeshe sent it in (with the maps) so it stands up on its own on top of my adding machine. he's looking mean out of the corner of his eye and you can tell by the coffee and cigarettes on the table in front of him that he's just gotten up.

how i know that look well, how i miss it.

i miss hugging my brother because our short heights match each other right and my face fits perfect in his neck and my arms wrap right around his chest.

i really can't wait to pick him up from the airport when he comes to drive out to seattle with me.

we will laugh our entire way through wyoming.