2003-01-26 & 4:16 p.m. : the price of admission

man i can't wait to make money again.

i have books i need to get, i have paints and canvases to get, i have movies to buy and maybe i'll finally get that damned tattoo.

i'll have to save up a lot of dough for that, since i want it to look REALLY FUCKING GOOD.

also, i better find some illicit pharmaceuticals from like, foreign online pharmacies because i know there's going to be a ton of filling on the design and i hear that part's like death itself. i wonder if tattoo places have restraints.

in other news, i have begun a regimen but right now it consists of calistenics and stretching because i keep waking up too late. also, we live by like 239485762489375 awesome shops. if i walk around aimlessly i will want to spend money. in this instance, one of two things will happen, either i will spend the money (bad idea since it's limited and i need to get things like food and pay bills) OR i will not buy anything but get really depressed because i didn't get anything.

i know i know, i just have never been someone who could window shop all that well. i mean, i could work on my impulse control, BUT I CAN'T CHANGE EVERYTHING ABOUT MYSELF AT ONCE, PEOPLE. that would be impossible to maintain. i must take one thing at a time and tackle it. systematical like. right now, i have to work on my high laziness quotient and turn myself into someone who is active.

so stretching and calisthenics it is. at least today. once i get my exerbike back, though, jace and i will have a regimen together and that will rule. you didn't see in the pics, but in addition to being totally handsome, he's wicked muscular. you should see his biceps! holy crap.

he'll be able to help me in my quest to be an active person like whoah.

oh hooray! i just got a call from jason and T's in town so we're having a night out! FUCKING RIGHTEOUS!

oh doods, so like, can anyone give me a heads up about pilates?