2002-04-19 & 1:04 p.m. : she is the stupids

a sad but totally true fact of life:

i am exceedingly, embarrassingly, mid-blowingly good at work that i hate most. specifically, secretarial/meanial/envelope-stuffing-page-collating-licking-stamps-etc-etc-etc type work.

this is, i assume, because i hate it with such passion that blind rage and an all-encompassing desire to have it finished as soon as possible guide me to the most effecient, ingenius methods to completing such tasks.

New Boss has given me such a doozy, it's unreal. also, this huge task is due to her overwhelming mental retardation. my sister calls it the "unbelievable incompetence of most people". i call it, "basic corporate thinking".

tomayto tomahto my friends.

at any rate, i am nearly finshed, about 3 hours ahead of schedule, with this task. had i kept my full attention on it while doing it, i probably would have finished about a an hour ago, maybe. like it would have gone by at light speed.

however, i didn't want to leave the door open for more wasting of my time, and besides, i was reading the online diary of ira glass while doing it.

who among us would deny a poor cubicle chained girl her i-g fix in this life with so few pleasures?

that's right.

no one.

ok, so, back to "work" for my "job", which just this morning i told 2nd boss that i "love" and that i will "miss" when i am oh so far away in iowa.
