2002-05-06 & 2:12 p.m. : t minus 6 days

hi, this is me stealing internet time.

let me update you on movefest, 2002:

as of saturday i found out:

-my cat, stuart, will not be allowed to come with me. my heart is broken, and each time i see him or play with him i get emo, but i am an adult, and i cannot do anything about it.

so if you need a really well behaved sweet soft and handsome cat, please let me know.

-my living situation is not as secure as i thought it had been. i am alright with this, as again, there is nothing i can do about it, but it definitely changes how i am thinking and feeling about the move greatly.

so if you need a really well behaved (well, at least house broken) sweet soft and pretty girl-woman-person-thing, please let me know.

i am not letting this change get in the way of my overwhelmingly posi attitude. strangely, other than a brief panic attack on saturday night on the way home from alameda, i have been in a great mood.

nobody's gonna break-a my stride, nobody's gonna slow me down, oh no.

i have not packed a single thing yet, i leave on sunday morning for good ol' iowa.

with my very meager possessions, i am pretty sure it will take me about a half a day to get everything together. i am hoping to get this done by thursday night, save for my bed and my computer, which will be taken apart on sunday and saturday respectively.

i don't even know why i am typing this, who cares when i do my packing crap.

putting question marks at the end of questions is overrated. i'll say it a thousand times.

saturday i went to the bar and saw niki and that totally ruled. i drank a lot of good drinks for free, had a lot of good conversation, was given money by strangers to put in the jukebox and generally had a great time. then jason came and he got hammered off two white russians (i know, right?! how cute!) and he took me out for an awesome sushi dinner, my last for probably a year, unless they have good sushi in chicago (maybe one of my chicago peeps can let me know?).

and then i came home and hung out with my brother and

let's see. the nebula king came over at 1130 last night and we watched two bad movies, one good bad and one bad bad. we laughed a lot, ran to 7-11 at 330am for smokes, cranberry juice, twizzlers, cinnamon bears, flaming hot cheetos and water.

the cashier made eyes at me even though my hair is insane and i was in the same clothes i had worn all weekend.

marcel stayed until 500am. it was really really nice. we laughed a lot, which i needed.

i can't think of what else i wanted to write. please call me if you have my number and feel like a chat. i don't really have much to do, especially at night, and i have a whole pack of smokes waiting for me to get on the phone.

take care, people. i will update as i can.