2002-10-23 & 10:35 p.m. : touch me, i'm mint

sleepingoffsummer: i just came up with the best product ever

sleepingoffsummer: EVER

idreamtrains: yeah? lay it on me

idreamtrains: fake vomit? it's been done

sleepingoffsummer: for super-models or just all you ladies living the fast life of a catwalk-walker: VOMINT.

eat, puke and pop one, you're good to go!

idreamtrains: yes!

idreamtrains: would the commercial be like a mentos commercial?

sleepingoffsummer: yes, but we would need someone like sarah michelle gellar or, um, courtney cox-arquette to be our poster-girl

idreamtrains: a girl does a turn on the catwalk, leans over and pukes on a fashion journalist. THEN. she's cheerfully pops a VOMINT tm and, holding the VOMINT label side showing, finishes her turn.

sleepingoffsummer: nice


idreamtrains: the fashion journalist laughs knowingly, as if he's had a cute trick played on him.

sleepingoffsummer: a girl climbs out of bed, obviously hung-over, but she has a casting call in 30 minutes! she pushes aside the syringes and crawls to the bathroom where she puts her head in the toilet and heaves

sleepingoffsummer: you just see her sexy back and "ass" in a thin, classy nighty, and you see the muscles twitch and seize as she vomits last night's 15 kamikazes/pills/rockstarjizz into the bowl

idreamtrains: yeah!

sleepingoffsummer: she reaches up onto the counter next to her, you see her finely manicured hand push bottles of xanax, empty condom/dental dam wrappers and mac lipstick tubes out of the way until you see a thin red tipped finger find what it's looking for:

sleepingoffsummer: the aesthetically shaped container of VOMINT(tm)!

sleepingoffsummer: she raises her beet red face, wipes an errant string of vodka-bile from her pouty lips and places a single VOMINT(tm) on her tongue

sleepingoffsummer: next shot:

sleepingoffsummer: she walks out of the bathroom, perfectly put together, once stringy hair pulled up into a kicky french twist, once blotchy, puffy skin obviously rejuvenated by VOMINT, the aspiring actresses best friend

sleepingoffsummer: er, actress'

sleepingoffsummer: last shot:

sleepingoffsummer: the casting couch, the lovely thing kneeling in front of a faceless casting director (male or female, it doesn't matter in these upside-down times!), a pack of VOMINTs neatly tucked into the back pocket of her tight jeans. because, whether it's hiding what's coming up or that you've just gone down: VOMINT!