2004-07-08 & 12:32 a.m. : transmission from outer space. or outer mongolia.

i don't understand diaryland at all anymore.

you people are nutso.

i barely post here anymore, less people than EVER are reading, yet people keep adding me like whoah.



in other news, my new cat, amelia earhart, is awesome. awezum, if you will.

i fell asleep this morning with my hand on her belly and i woke up TWO HOURS LATER and she was still there. radical times.

in other news, i went home a few weeks ago and it was good and terrible. my father is not well. hasn't been well. won't be well again.

it sincerely sucks.

in other other news, seattle summertime is again glorious. there is a rumor that niki will be coming up to see me next month and that would OWN OVER ALL OF YOU. and me.

i miss her. i got to see her, briefly, on my trip down south, but being in california does terrible things to me. i had no energy at all in southern california. i wanted to die the whole time i was there, even when i was with my awesome mom (who i wanted to put in my pocket and steal away to seattle with me) and my awesomest brother and sister. and i had to spend pretty much all my time with my family, so my niki-visting was sadly at a minimum.

i still feel guilty.

anyway, so that's how things are with me.

sort of.

i'll leave you with one of amelia's awesomeosities: when i am peeing, she lays in the sink next to me so i can pet her, and doesn't even care when i turn on the water to see how she'll react.

raddest cat ever!

ps--that's not to say that i am peeing in the sink and she's next to me IN THE SINK while i'm peeing in it. the toilet's next to the sink. don't be gross.

pps--i can't believe that squirrelx is still make those banners! WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE, WHY DOES THE SHITTY STUFF NEVER CHANGE?!!?@!