2001-12-07 & 9:58 a.m. : two doors

my brother and i have this weird habit thing wherein we decide to go somewhere close, and then go somewhere far.


let me explain:

anytime we get in a car together, we end up in the strangest places. a trip to the video store ends up being a 3 hour drive in and around san francisco, for instance.

last night, a simple dinner date ended up being an adventure into oakland. we decided on sushi, so i came up with the suggestion that we drive out to alameda to see if she was around and wanted to come.

traffic was bad, but we were both hyper, him finally having human contact after a long day at school stuck in his headphones, me post-masturbation and 10 minute nap. i haven't laughed so hard in a long time, it was nice to have a genuine smile on my face and to have my side hurt from screaming laughter.

because, really, once my brother gets going, there is no stopping him.

and, we are such dorks, we can pretty much generate 10-20 minutes worth of laughing, maybe more, merely by mocking and imitating how the other laughs.

we are so stupid.

drove to her house, she wasn't there but her very cool roommate was, so we asked if we could stick around for a little bit to see if she showed up. he was really cool about it and invited us in. we got to watch the family guy, which i hadn't seen for way too long. it's about the only show i really miss from not having tv. i think it's my favorite show ever.

well, 830 rolled around and she didn't show, because she was doing this, so we took off for the best sushi ever.

let me just say that any time you can get mountains of sushi and tempura, a large sake and a 22oz asahi for under $50, and i am talking mountains of sushi here, folks, you know you have struck gold. i would tell you where it is and what it's called, but the wait is always ridiculous as it is, and so, too bad so sad, no sushi goldmine for you.

so yes, we, as my brother put it, ate like gluttonous pigs.

and then we drove home, through factory ways and over bridges, counting lights in tunnels and singing at the tops of our lungs.

what should have been an hour operation because a four hour affair.

my brother calls it getting the fuck out of dodge, and demands we do it more often.

i'm thinking if we actually plan a trip out...we're likely to end up anywhere.

don't say i didn't warn you when we come banging on your door.

alright, i have to actually do work for awhile. hopefully this will tide you over for a couple hours.