2002-05-21 & 9:33 p.m. : totally awesome. with soap.

oh, this is my happy entry.

lauren and i just went on a drive, and lauren has been spending the ten minutes going through her rocking comic book collection and sorting out ones that she thinks i will like.

project fangirl begins now.

i love you comics.

in other news, i actually left the house today to go shopping for food and whatnot at the super-t. I LOVE YOU SUPER-TARGET. I-LOVE-YOU-HYPHENATED-WORDS!

super-t rocks this way and that.

i really want to get a job so i can start buying things again. like music and electronics and benicio del toros in the shape of guns.

and boys. i would like to buy my own harem of boys.

yes, i think my awesome sex drive is back since the shock of moving to iowa is starting to wear off.

today, one of jamie's friends came over to show me cliffs and whatnot, isn't that nice? good ol' friendly iowa boys, makin' sure the california girl isn't too bored or lonely.

he looks EXACTLY like edward norton.

my life, is pretty good.

especially since lauren is in the shower serenading me with acdc while she showers. mmmm lathery heavy metal girls.

totally awesome.