2004-02-01 & 1:13 p.m. : yay!

i'd like to personally thank my uterus for not causing me upheaval until AFTER yesterday was over. that is such a fucking relief.

now all that's left to do is meet the cleaning person at my old apt later tonight, have them clean the kitchen bathroom and the walls in my bedroom (how the hell did so many finger prints get on the walls??), pay her a brick of cash, drive to the god damned realtors, drop off my keys and THEN everything will be DONE with good old 925 10th ave e.

i must say, i am in love with my new apartment. i forgot what a joy it is to sleep in a nice large room with high ceilings. or at least, not low ceilings. nono, i'm gonna go with "high ceilings". there's something luxurious and fantastic about sleeping in a large room with high ceilings.

and the floors! the glorious squeaky hardwood floors! i love them. looooooooooooove them. and! the landlord said that my studio is above the living room of my downstairs, so my middle of the night walking around my apt should not bug the girl who lives below me. yeah!

but, i would like to get a nice rug, so if any of my nice internet friends who are rockstars at shopping online could help me find an amazing rug to put on my floor, that would rock. i'll set the cost at no higher than $300, but truth be told, it would have to be one HOT MOTHERFUCKING RUG for me to pay that much, as i am really looking to spend about half that.

so far i have gotten the essentials set up, that is, my computer (for music and movies and talking to peoples), my candles (for warmth and good smells), and my little mint tea garden sitting proudly in little sake cups on my kitchen window (for all-over awesomeosity).

other than that, i am just going to putter around a bit today. unpack things, lay around, make my bed up, pet my sweet little stuart so he doesn't feel too freaked out about the new digs (the sweet little bean is sleeping on the end of my bed right now. aww!) and basically just enjoy my day.

i hope you're all well and happy and having fun.


oh! also! i've already done my taxes and with that money which i should receive very soon (thank you direct deposit!) i will be furnishing my new apt AND getting my hair done.

i may even splurge and spend the afternoon at a spa complete with facial, mani and pedi.


at the end of the month i get my bonus, so i'll be able to pay off some debt and maybe even get that tattoo i've been wanting to do for my birthday.
