2001-12-20 & 9:41 a.m. : yeah

i have been cleaning up on the gifts, workwise.

so far,

i have gotten the forementioned candle from the Co-Worker.

i have gotten a cat calendar from the executive secretary lady..because i am SO into cats. i'll be regifting that to my sister, who likes that garbage.

but i am really happy about the thought, that's sweet!

i have gotten a ceramic pelican from the Big Boss (?)...huh?

and when he gave it to me he said

"have you heard the one about the pelican? his beak can hold more than his belly can!


"[weak but trying smile] he ha"

i have been mulling over that one since yesterday afternoon...i have consulted people whom i think are really intelligent...i cannot make head or tails of what the hell he was talking about. and, i am a little disturbed.

but that's nice he thought of me? right?

i set the pelican on top of my monitor here in my cube with my milk choclate turkey (from thanksgiving), my mini pumpkin (an actual squash, from halloween), my seashell from the antigua (from former-1st boss' honeymoon) and Elvis matchbook (from 2nd boss' trip to graceland). you know, to put it on display and make a good show of it. or something.

and! from 3rd boss i got my favorite gift so far, a beaded coin purse thing that is in the shape of a STRAWBERRY!!!

you are all totally jealous, because it is cheesy to the point of sublimity.

[sublimity Sub*lim"i*ty, n.; pl. Sublimities. [L. sublimitas: cf. F. sublimit['e].] 1. The quality or state of being sublime (in any sense of the adjective).

2. That which is sublime; as, the sublimities of nature.

Syn: Grandeur; magnificence.

Usage: Sublimity, Grandeur. The mental state indicated by these two words is the same, namely, a mingled emotion of astonishment and awe. In speaking of the quality which produces this emotion, we call it grandeur when it springs from what is vast in space, power, etc.; we call it sublimity when it springs from what is elevated far above the ordinary incidents of humanity. An immense plain is grand. The heavens are not only grand, but sublime (as the predominating emotion), from their immense height. Exalted intellect, and especially exalted virtue under severe trials, give us the sense of moral sublimity, as in the case of our Savior in his prayer for his murderers. We do not speak of Satan, when standing by the fiery gulf, with his ``unconquerable will and study of revenge,'' as a sublime object; but there is a melancholy grandeur thrown around him, as of an ``archangel ruined.'' ] [<3]

no, seriously, i love this thing. it's bright and red and has tiny little beads and it's heavy when you hold it and i think it's the best gift i have gotten in a really long time. when i first looked at it i thougt to myself, "um, neat." but then i held its cool beadedness in my hand and suddenly i wished that all my accessories were beaded strawberries of one form or another. i think she put a spell on it, because that's not a normal reaction to anything. except for maybe this. and that's just a maybe.

so far, no gift from 2nd boss, though that's ok, i took some of her see's candies yesterday. it was dark chocolate and it was good.

i think my dot is coming soon, because i am digging chocolate, i even had a piece of milk chocolate last night with my jasmine tea and THAT'S JUST GROSS.

today we are going to lunch for an office party of sorts. i plan to get the best food i can, and drink really good wine. yeah.