2002-04-10 & 12:08 p.m. : heard like a hand radio, you're an empire

just a couple notes:

first, from the "i was reading other people's diaries and found cool stuff" dept, i found this via this dood who i found via this dood.

and, for a gratifying read, he is always a safe bet. that guy's been on my favorites list almost as long as i have had one.

second, i am onto manos by the spinnanes now, and 'entire' is making me eem.


i waffle between desiring to be completely open and stop being such a pussy about my emotions and wanting to find some way to be turned into a robot.

i'm totally serious.

i just don't know which would be harder.

also, i don't know which would be best.

but that's because i haven't figured out what i want, really.

i feel like, probably, i never will.

i feel like i am staring into space 24-7, like i can't focus on anything, really.

hey, wait a minute...weird cramps...eemness...more hardcore than usual introspection...maybe my dot is coming for reals!

oh thank you sweet jesus. if i had to feel like this all the time, i'd be a wreck.

thank god for lady parts and all their many wonders.

i have lemon sugar on my fingers.