2003-04-16 & 10:17 p.m. : if i run out

this actually just happened:

after telling my mom how happy i am to be up here in seattle and how much fun i am having and how i feel like i made the absolute right choice to move here rather than the bay area, my mom said, and i swear on the holy grail that this is a direct quote, because try as i might for a million years, i couldn't have come up with this on my own:

"oh jessie, i am so happy for you...yeah, you know because that movie sleepless in seattle was really good...




[insert 10 minutes of hysterical laughing on both ends of the phone]

is it any wonder, people, that i ended up as cool as i did?

i really really don't think so.

in other news, don't you wish my diary was still like this?

me too. i should really work on that.