2002-01-23 & 12:35 p.m. : if i vom, i'm going home.

the overwhelming weakness of this day just goes on and on.

first of all, all the coffee i drank made my stomach go insane, so i went across the street to get a sandwich, hoping some actual food would quiet things down a bit.

and though the sandwich was fine and whatever, the pickle was not only soggy and gross, but HUGE, so there was a lot of soggy grossness. weak.

and now that i have some food in my stomach i just feel more pukey, which i knew was a danger before i went to get lunch, but i was really hoping that if i got some food down there that everything would even itself out. fucking weak.

oh! and i bit into my sandwich and even though i said light mayo, which they know means PRETTY MUCH NO MAYO ON THERE JERKS a new person was working there and obviously they don't understand because i bit into my sandwich and a HUGE GLOP OF MAYO GOT IN MY MOUTH. IT WAS SO FUCKING WEAK I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO VOM RIGHT THEN AND THERE!

and shane wants to hang out again tonight, but i don't think i can do it what with the pukiness of my stomach and the fact tht he wants to see the ron jeremy movie, which would be funny i guess but i am really not in the mood. what i am in the mood for is footrubs and laying down with a cool washcloth on my eyes listening to something rad like david sylvian or like um, something soothing like i don't even know what. something sprawling and beautiful, that's what.

the facts that i will not be up to hanging out with shane and that i am not getting footrubs or washclothing or listening to something sprawling and beautiful are both totally weak.

OH!~ and! for some reason my sweater is hanging on to every bit of schmutz within a 4 mile radius, so i am now linty girl instead of mr fantastic and that is SO FUCKING WEAK I CANNOT BELIEVE HOW IRRITABLE I AM RIGHT NOW OH MY GOD.

i need an exorcist or something in here, stat.

also, i get googled this more times than makes sense, like at least once a week. what the fuck is wrong with people?

but i took a moment to look back at what i had written back then and like, what was up with tht random picture? and like, neat i told you guys all about my near miss with a uti. mm. that was pretty weak of me.

but it was pretty sweet of me to tell you how to make an awesome strawberry skin mask, which i obviously need to chill with tonight, and also, to tell you all about kyle's sweet mix to me, and also, to talk about karaoke, which i know will please sweet snailo greatly.

alright, i am officially half way through my day. deep breaths, email with my fran and cranberry juice will get me through.

but i'll tell you this much:

if i vom, i'm going home.