2002-04-17 & 1:12 p.m. : i have to pee.

so, after that bit of hoo-ha, i told 3rd Boss, and New Boss. i actually told the Co-Worker first, before even Big Boss, because he asked me and so i said "yeah." and he was like "whoah! i was just kidding!" and whatnot.

Big Boss sounded really sad and disappointed, and he said if i change my mind at any time he will take me back without question. after that, New Boss was the biggest freakout about my leaving. she looked like she was going to lose it. like, she did the "i can't believe this is happening!" eye rub and everything. good work, New Boss, i almost believed you. sorry about staring at your enormous porn knocks while you pretended to care that i was leaving. thank you for wearing that shirt today.

3rd Boss looked all teary, too, but was much more believable. she gave me a hug, and she asked me if i was happy, and i said yes, and she said that that was what was most important.

aww guys!

Co-Worker was just like "god damn it" because he knew the brunt of the work that i do is going onto his shoulders. but, he's also really happy for me, and of all the dogs here, he is most certainly My Dawg.

isn't that funny?

now, all i have to tell is 2nd Boss and the Queen, the little talked about but much loved executive secretary. she will be nice about it, i'm sure.

in other news, it's been brought to my attention by a wicked hot friend of mine that i write about food a lot. i'm not sure if this is true, but if it is, my only explaination is the fact that i write, almost exclusively, while i am eating my lunch. this is when i am most flagrant about my many internet abuses, because i figure what are they going to do? i'm on lunch. here, look at my lemonade and my tasty styrofoam container of the Best Soup Ever--obviously i am on lunch and allowed to netsurf all i want.


that being said, let me tell you about my wicked awesome lunch. once again, i had a chicken sando and a small container of the Best Soup Ever. this time, i requested better lemonade and the Co-Worker brought me back minute-3%realjuice-maid. jesus christ, people. when will i EVER get some proper lemonade?

i fear, as this beautiful little piece of chicago has surmised, i may have to make it myself.


i didn't eat yesterday, except for a few misjudged selections, and i paid dearly for it. i spent the day in bed with my hoodie on and my eyes squinched tight, bathroom door open should i make a dive headfirst for the seat.

it was kinda a grody day.

i don't want to talk anymore about food, my hot chowda friend, i'll have to save that for you for maybe a private email. nudge wink and huzzah.

things are coming together quite quickly as far as the moving stuff is concerned. first of all, i wrote the 30 day notice for my house last night, though obviously i will be out 3 weeks from sunday. holy christ.

then, this morning, i gave my 2 weeks.

tonight, i will finish polishing up my resume to send to best friend and her fiance to shop my ass around their huge company. i was going to do that this weekend, and then i realized i had a bunch of info here that i needed there to be able to do it, so there you go.

i have done most of my polishing this morning anyhow, but then i realized there was info there that i needed here to be able to send it before i got home, so i will just send it tonight.

i cannot express to you how badly i need to pee right now. why don't i go?


i will later, stop yelling at me.

it's only one pm. this morning was so traumatic that i thought it was three already.

the sweeeet thing is that, you know, that horrible giving two weeks thing is over now. also, i can deal with the business of moving while i'm at work without worrying about letting the cat out of the bag.

hurray for big huge changes!!!!


seriously, i have to go pee now.


ps--i really feel like watching donnie darko again tonight.

also, why isn't the uhaul place picking up? what the fuck?

pps--i have mention that i now have at least two entries with titles referring to how badly i need to pee.