2002-02-18 & 12:45 p.m. : natch.

ah man, today so far has been a mix of totally sweet and completely weak.

mostly, completely weak.

the only sweet thing, really, was that i took my car to get fixed this morning, which meant i slept for like an hour and a half later than usual because the car fixing place is only like 2 minutes from my house, and it doesn't open until 8, which is when i usually get to work. so, to take liberties and such, i didn't wake up until 8, then i showered and got ready and WhatNot and made it to the car fixing place at like 845, since there's no way my bosses would know how long it would take for my car to get fixed, do you feel me?

so, then i took it in, and i sat in their waiting area and went back to sleep, since i am totally able to sleep just about anywhere, if it's during the day. this is a relatively new, though obviously wildly dangerous, superpower that i have developed. i'm not sure how i developed it, though i thinking having my alarm go off before 6am, WAY BEFORE, 5 days of the week has sufficiently worn me down such that if i am still enough, and i can't think of anything better to do, i will sleep.

but that's only during the day. it doesn't work at night, as evidenced by my rampant insomnia.

so i was sleeping in the car fixing place waiting space and this is when the sweet part stops. all of a sudden things take a decided nosedive towards weak when on the tv the trial of that lady who killed her 5 kids starts.

it got all into my sleeping head and then all sorts of frightening things happened.

when they called my name so i can get my car, i flyout of my half-sleep/half-nightmared whateverthatwas in a kind of heartpounding freakout, and it took me until about 12 minutes ago to shake off the total grossness of that lady and the trial.


also weak is the fact that i have been doing web-based training through conference call and the wonders of the internet all morning and it's so boring and gross that i would like to just leave.

thankfully, i have slept like another 20 minutes due to the unbearable boringness of it.

i think it ends somewhere around three, which is cool, though not sweet, because that's like the end-run of the day, the last hour and a half.

so, i think mostly i am cranky because i had to be half-awake when i started listening to that trial. it was brutal.

i don't do well with stuff like that when it's real.

i probably don't even do so well with it when it's make believe.

lastly, i'd like to know when my internal thermostat got all fucked up. the last couple of nights, i have been sleeping with my sweet new bedding set #1, because dee finished them and #1 is way more wintery than #2, which has a definitely spring vibe to it.

but for the last few nights, even though i go to sleep with it absolutely frigid in my room, i wake up 1.5-2 hrs later with my whole body on fire and needing about 6 cups of water before i am able to lay back down, with only my sheet, not the whole bedding ensemble, over me. and i sleep like that til morning, even if it's so cold when i wake up that stuart's all cruled around me for warmth.

what the hell is goin on here people? do you realize how gross it feels to wake up like that?

perhaps the heat is due to the fact that for the last 3-4 nights my dreams have been predominately sexual in nature, and big kinky sex at that.

which is pretty weird in and of itself, but not distressing.

unless there really is a corelation.

but i guess if they are related i don't mind at all...i'll just have to prep better before bed, with a glass of water and cold washcloth on my bedside table.

or i could hire a manservant to sit at the foot of my bed and mist me with cool water while i slept, if i started moaning lasciviously in my sleep or otherwise indicated that i was getting play in my dream.

then i could do it do it without interruption the whole time i slept.


you know, i think if i really review my needs i could do with a manservant, and have been in need of one for awhile. i'm gonna go google "manservant". if any of you know a good place to get a manservant at a reasonable price, please let me know.

strong hands and a truckload of endurance a plus.



i just read this entry and i think sometimes, i just should resist the urge to obsessively update everyday. because i'm a total dork, and it's entries like these that makes that really really clear.

sweet. and weak.