2001-08-28 & 10:32 a.m. : san geronimo


a couple administrative things here.

first, the soundtrack is finished and has been for ages. it's super super good, if i do say so myself. which i will, because my brother and niki think it's really really good too. i just haven't made any copies to send out because i am a slack motherfucker and i haven't made a cover for it yet.


if i get a list of people together who want it, i will hopefully be motivated to get off the stick and get them sent out.

so, if you would like a copy of a really really good mix with absolutely no strings attached, let me know and i will get a copy out to you.

or, at the very least, i will have all the best intentions of doing so. so, it'll be like a mystery...will it come in the mail today or won't it? seeing as though all you need to do is drop me a line (and, even if you have told me you want one before, please send me an email with your address and stuff anyway [even if i should already have your address]. i want to just save them all into the same file and stuff.) at [email protected] to receive some free music, i figure you can stand to wait. if i end up being flaky about it. which i am going to try real hard not to be.

second, i have started a diary ring. pretty much, if i like your diary, you're in the ring (if you want). i mean, there is no big theme or anything, i just wanted a way to be linked up to a bunch of really good diaries.

it's called "limited space". originally, i had tried to name it "75 autumns", which is the production company that niki and i plan to start. but, for some unknown reason, diary ring names can only start with letters. so, i tried to name it "seventy-five autumns". but, for some unknown reason, diary ring names can only be 12 characters long. so, thoroughly annoyed, i named it "limitedspace", which is exactly 12 characters. out of spite.

so, in a sense, it is a diary ring of spite.

pretty much, if you are on my favorites list, you are in no problem, you need only to apply. if you are not on my favorites, the screening process is not rigorous (it's a diary ring for pete's sake). i will tell you, however, if you belong to an inordinate amount of diary rings, don't bother. i find that crap really annoying.

otherwise, be interesting, that's all i ask.

alright, that takes care of administrative business.

i'm tired, cranky, and generally just want to be in bed.