2002-01-18 & 1:28 p.m. : you must warn the children!

my brother would like me to make it clear that i was VERY remiss in not including the following information into my break down of TRACK THREE from My Awesome Hip Hop CD Compilation From No Shame Summer:

the ACTUAL best moment from track three is the fact that craig uses the word "anti-matter" in his rap.

i am so pissed off at myself for getting about this, i might shoot myself.

i am even more upset about that than the fact that i carelessly spelled "jiggling", "giggling" in my last entry, though it would be really funny if i thought her ass could actually giggle. but that's kind of gross too.

so it's onethirty and i talked to 2nd Boss and she said i can leave early if i want, which is nice since i am pretty fucking unbusy and i have been getting NO EMAIL (practically) and people are practically refusing to update their diaries today.


i got paid again today and though i am not broke like i was last time when i got paid and took care of my bills, i am still kinda broke, and that's such a shitty feeling.

but i am slowly working to get something tucked away.

and i just called my 401k people and if i have to, i'll just liquidate that to move.

i know some of you are groaning that i am being a jackass, but I WILL HAVE TO LIVE WITH MY JACKASSITUDE. IT'S MY LIFE, STOP JUDGING ME.

i'm going to start listening to the theme from bosom buddies, just to ignore all you Adults who are like my Father and abigail's Boyfriend in your big financial planning propaganda.

also, i just recently found out i don't have work on monday. thank you sweet jesus.

i am going to waste that day like no one's business.

except i might get a smog check done, because my registration is late and i need to get a cert to be able to send it it.

yay responsibility!!

i have been doing computer chair synchronized swimming all morning. this is where i lean back and do s.-swimming movements like back stroke and WhatNot because i am kinda just suspended there, my feet not touching the ground and kinda slowly spinning around. if i could get a partner, i think i could petition to have this be a new olympic sport.

well, probably not, but it's fun. i play "dead girl" where i let myself be splayed there in the chair, and i lay lifeless, with my arms and legs limp, deadlike. i am dying (ha ha! no pun intended!) to have someone come take a pic of me with my sleeve all rolled up herion style and dead girl posed in my chair, as a public service announcement against taking a cube job, as it will obviously cause you to take drugs until you die.

except i have never done herion. but that doesn't matter, we have to warn The Children!

and i don't do illegal drugs because i want to have clean blood in case i find a better job.

since you can't work anywhere now without peeing in a cup.



now it's almost two because i get distracted and forget i am writing an entry.

which i am not doing very well anyway. but i'm bored.

someone come take the dead girl pic of me, and then let's get snot flying drunk on tequila shots and beer backs and run around lake merritt.

or, you know, just go home and take a nap.