2002-02-28 - crimson
2002-02-27 - life review, one
2002-02-27 - life reviews(TM)
2002-02-27 - some stuff, and then there's other stuff.
2002-02-26 - diaryland sex dream
2002-02-26 - seven
2002-02-25 - maps
2002-02-25 - praised be wood, it is milk
2002-02-23 - benicio del toro has arrived
2002-02-22 - my town
2002-02-22 - have a nice day
2002-02-22 - cracky
2002-02-21 - queen
2002-02-21 - it's still a puzzle
2002-02-20 - there was no mattress
2002-02-20 - look, i'm a romantic
2002-02-19 - benicio del toro!
2002-02-19 - sexy coveralls and bad decals
2002-02-18 - poor little dead mole.
2002-02-18 - sleazy coveralls, pigtails, straw cowboy hats: jessica considers a career change.
2002-02-18 - natch.
2002-02-17 - gossip!@
2002-02-16 - 40s basemtn people music
2002-02-15 - total and ultimate brutality.
2002-02-15 - totally and completely brutal. and sweet.
2002-02-14 - best valentine's day ever
2002-02-14 - best valentine
2002-02-14 - decks, papers, 40s, menthols, books, chaos theory and mjb
2002-02-14 - abigail and mary
2002-02-13 - buy me things
2002-02-13 - sailor
2002-02-12 - lamest person
2002-02-12 - two tears in a bucket
2002-02-12 - my smell
2002-02-11 - devotee
2002-02-09 - joanne fabrics
2002-02-09 - i vaguely remember having social skills.
2002-02-09 - rogue
2002-02-08 - baby smartypants
2002-02-06 - misfits
2002-02-06 - worst entry ever
2002-02-05 - out of her fucking face
2002-02-05 - i'm tired, roll over
2002-02-04 - that is all.
2002-02-03 - business meeting notes
2002-02-19 - the curve of her ass is unparallelled.
2002-02-01 - ah, home.
2002-02-07 - ahem
2002-02-07 - i cover it with my right hand, i hide it so no one else can see.
2002-02-10 - homosexual gay sex with jay and fez
